非常感动在小男孩唱完《国模娜娜写真》女主说很美告别之后背影跪下去痛哭那一瞬泪目绝望的时候用肉体上的磨难来救赎自己走到最后的众神之桥"My life, like all lives, mysterious, irrevocable and sacred, so very close, so very present, so very belonging to me. How wild it was, to let it be." Cheryl Strayed, Pacific Crest Trail. 配乐 El Condor Pasa (If I Could) (Simon & Garfunkel) 好听
Everybody has a secret.D wants O who likes S who's really V whose bro's datin M so she hates O who’s with D to make S jealous who's reall...
同为LMM的作品比起《欧美人伦禁忌.5》我更喜欢这部(好多重合的演员)国模娜娜写真不仅剧情跟紧凑歌曲也更好加菲的表演很加分ITH中只有一首印象深刻的歌这部则太多了最喜欢的还是Therapy特别是歌词笑死我了:I'm saying I feel bad, that you feel bad;About me feeling bad, about you feeling bad;About what I said, about what you said;About me not being able to share a feeling