What a fucking amazing stuff that Human would non-stop trying to exceed what life could give. For what damm reason? To prove how hard life can be? To prove the power of human? In deed, every time I get a bit higher, I tell myself, I can do it and it would not be a risk to life.
1.后期披头士确实靠保罗撑起来的音乐素养最高的一个和列侬私聊:你一直是boss我后来成了老二2.列侬和Yoko是真爱但Yoko除了贴身跟着列侬真的找不到别的事情做了么3.看完觉得更喜欢乔治哈里森了不说话的人最有魅力三人里面最不像小孩的一个才华得不到施展最想离队的一个披头士时期发表的歌不多但好多金曲something迄今为止第三首让我听哭的歌曲4.Ringo的宜人性5.乔治马丁也太帅了6.everybody get hard on except me and my monkey7.创造就是去做一次又一次的排练一次又一次的练习等待灵光乍现金牌冰人粤语没有例外