I was deeply touched when that father said his trans-child is a precious unicorn. This is what we need in parenting and in mankind. I hope we have more works like this to reach and touch more people because we desperately need them. <3
女性成长的历程就是从活出别人期待的样子到活出自己喜欢的样子不再疯狂节食、跟侃爷对战、起诉DJ性骚扰、勇敢发表政见it's not about music anymore, but more important than music这才是一个偶像应有的样子PS纪录片里面关于她创作词曲的片段真的太圈粉了又有才华又努力怎么可能不红
以前只是从她的音乐中捕捉到她所经历的挫折伤痛殊不知这13年来她的伤口都被她试图藏匿于聚光灯后的阴影里无声愈合她所承受的远比我们想象的更难但她也比我们认为的更强大零碎素材和杂乱剪辑这些纪录片技术层面上的问题却都被她的人格魅力抑或是我的粉丝滤镜所冲淡她的怯懦敏感她的野心与自省她的创作历程、政治领悟她敞开心扉后的点点滴滴在她鲜活炽热的人格照耀下显得珍贵动人见证并与这样一位时代巨星一同成长难道不美好吗She absolutely deserves to be there with her incredible talent and beautiful heart all the damn time. Taylor Swift是巨星是传奇I love her forever❤️