If you’d walked into a restaurant, I would have become a waiter. If you’d walked into a burning building, I would have become a fireman. If you’d walked into an elevator, I would have stopped it between two floors, and we’d have spent the rest of our lives there.
台词一贯是刘别谦风格——睿智、俏皮、幽默、刁钻可惜剧情没有Shop around the Corner那么吸引人对于跨越70年时代变迁的通过道具、人物出没等细节讲究的侧面来反映这一点倒确实是很用心全面最出彩的是片尾一段The Merry Widow Waltz的乐曲响起这段实在太妙尽显导演功力其他见影评