definitely a fabulous creation in this millennium. 上下部加起来近八小时长的剧 全程只有八位演员 一人分饰多角、现实与幻象中的分裂一切都拿捏准确 可见他们的实力和功底加菲已经把自己变成这个角色了 倾尽全力的表演让人叹为观止 反倒小狼的表演让我很惊喜 我更喜欢他含蓄点的表演(深柜)来表现内心的挣扎 剧情没想到这么轻松搞笑 但是台词表达了很多东西 这部认真看了七个多小时一句都没有miss 犹记得看如梦我还睡着了几次… 看的时候一直在想天使到底是什么 看到最后一幕艾滋病人和摩门教徒犹太人黑人站在一起 剧名可是angels 天使就在所有人之中吧 最后 wish me educated enough to comment on the play.
ok i hate the musical episode like it makes no sense and everything is just so awkward!! i also don’t get how the black hood is bettys dad like what is his motive in threatening his daughter into being a criminal. i’m pretty sure all the parents want the best for their children but this is riverdale and everything is so out of the normal line.